EDUCATION HEURISTIC is a methodology or approach that educators at Berleaf Education adopts to help students realise their potential and achieve academic excellence. The full methodology is set out in a five part series.
Part 1: Knowing Oneself
Part 2: Perspective & Attitude
Part 3: Learning vs Studying
Part 4: Going Beyond
Part 5: Start Teaching
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” – Sun Tze
Knowing oneself is vital to boost one’s learning capability. Kickstart the process by delving deeper to identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). Thereafter, manage these effectively with the resources you have. This process helps to channel your effort towards the right things, cope better with failure and seize potential opportunities readily.

A) Undergo a Diagnostic Assessment
A common and easy way of finding out your SWOT would be to take a diagnostic assessments; involving taking series of test provided online or by education provider. These assessments can be for general or specific subjects. For instance, Berleaf Education provides a free Math Aptitude Diagnostic for students who wants a thorough analysis of their math ability and further receive advise on ways to improve on it.

B) Be Conscious of Your Mistakes
Keep a record of the mistakes you make by writing them down in a book (a.k.a the Book of Mistakes). Review them to spot trends and understand what are your weaknesses.
C) Seek Regular Feedback
The person who know us the best, is not always ourselves. It is necessary for us to regularly check in with a teacher or mentor for feedback. This is one of the primary channels that enable us to better identify our SWOT.
D) Plan Ahead
Plan ahead and it will lower your likelihood of missing that golden chance. Having an idea of what you want to achieve and what you need to get there (be it short/long term goals), will help you to seek and spot opportunities when they arrive.

Identifying your SWOT is only the start. Without following through to manage them, these information would be rendered useless.
Build on Your Strengths. Challenge yourself to refine your strengths. There could be a better or faster way to solving a problem, never be contented with the status quo.
Revision of Mistakes. The ‘Book of Mistakes‘ serves as a constant reminder to avoid making the same mistakes. This is especially useful when it comes to exam preparation.
Put Up Post-it Reminders. Keep your goals in sight by leaving yourself little post-its around your learning space. Opportunities in green and threats in red.
For the above process to be effective, it is crucial to align one’s perspective and attitude towards achieving the desired goals. Find out more in our next article on Perspective and Attitude.

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