Learning Capability is one’s ability to learn effectively and efficiently. Effective learning refers to the acquisition of knowledge, retaining them and constructively applying them to achieve desired goals. While Efficient Learning refers to the learning process that involves minimal wastage and full maximisation of resources (time, materials etc.).

With the modern world (especially technology) changing and developing at lightning speed, the level of knowledge, information and the know-hows required has rose tremendously. We are constantly spurred by speed and learning more within a shorter time span is increasingly important.
In fact, we have already observed this in today’s education system. With this shift towards a knowledge-based society, more knowledge is pushed down the education ladder so as to help the students ‘keep up’. What was previously taught only in the lower secondary levels, has now been taught in the upper primary levels. With just so much to absorb/learn, is it possible for us to take as much time as we need?
Be it learning more to better assimilate ourselves into the society, or to fulfil our pursuit of knowledge, it is never to our disadvantage when we are able to learn more effectively and efficiently. In fact, it may turn out to be the best thing we have ever done in our life.

In hope for students to do well, it is a common practice by educators to pile students with endless flow of assessment books and exam papers. But, is that really effective? The answer is “DEFINITELY, NO.“
Quantity does not translate to quality. The sheer number of worksheets completed does not promise an improvement in a student’s result. Instead, the student’s thought process behind each question is what’s important in making him/her more versatile and ready to cope with the rest of the questions.
A less hardline approach would be to focus on fine-tuning the learning quality; the extent to which one comprehends and understands the theory taught. And this can be achieved by adopting the Education Heuristic.
EDUCATION HEURISTIC is a methodology that is adopted by Berleaf Education educators to help students realise their potential and achieve academic excellence. The full methodology is set out in a five part series. [Learn more]
Check out our “secret recipe” to our students’ success – Education Heuristic.
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